New Unbelievable Numbers
By:王子源-2018.06 ©
(Revised in 2018.12)
说明:(请仔细阅读) l
New Unbelievable Numbers是一套数字高分段智商测试。它主要测验人的数感能力。 不需要多余的知识,解决测试中的题目只需要数字识别能力。本测验共30题,每道题回答正确得1分,总共30分。题目难度不随题号递增,所以请仔细思考每一道题,与其他人讨论 本测试是严格禁止的。本测验允许两次提交。完成测验后,您需要将您的答案连同基本信息和身份证明一起发送到我的邮箱。如果我在24小时内没有回复,请再次发送。
(2)身份证明:身份证、驾照、学生证、户口簿等均可,需要漏出姓名, 性别,年龄。
The test costs 60CNY per submission.
Note:(please read carefully)
The New Unlisted Numbers is a set of digital high segmented IQ tests. It mainly tests people's ability to count. There is no need for excess knowledge, and only digital recognition is required to solve the problems in the test. There are a total of 30 questions in this quiz. Each question has a correct answer of 1 point, a total of 30 points. The difficulty of the topic does not increase with the question number, so please carefully consider each question and discuss with others that this test is strictly forbidden. This test is allowed to be submitted twice. After completing the test, you will need to send your answer along with basic information and identification to my mailbox If I do not reply within 24 hours, please send it again.
Basic information:
(1) Name, gender, age, assessment, and time spent completing the test.
(2) Identity certificate: ID card, driver's license, student's card, household registration book, etc..
(Note: Please fill in the basic information carefully, otherwise you will not be corrected! )正式题目
The formal test questions
New Unbelievable Numbers